If your organization is to reach its objectives, you must have effective leaders.
Coaching maximizes the effectiveness of those leaders.

But how do you measure that effectiveness?
Very few organizations are dedicated to rigorous researching of coaching effectiveness and the outcomes of executive coaching. This led Quantuvos to launch The Alliance for Coaching Effectiveness (A4CE) in 2022.
A4CE conducts state-of-the-art, evidence-based, qualitative and quantitative research to assess and improve the effectiveness and the outcomes of professional coaching. This level of coaching results in organizations that can effectively meet their objectives through:

Strengthened leadership

Improved organizational culture

Enhanced performance and well-being within the workplace
A4CE also:

Builds partnerships with academic institutions, research centers, and regulatory institutions

Designs training programs for coaches that focus on coaching competencies as well as behaviors that make coaching effective

Publishes and shares evidence-based guides for C-suite executives, HR, and L&D leaders.
A4CE’s research is informed by the model of Coaching Effectiveness, which was developed by the Alliance’s executive director, Dr. Joanna Jarosz.
This theoretical model was published in the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring and helps our customers understand the mechanisms of coaching and what they can expect from the process.
Its application gives our customers confidence that the coaching they receive will be of the highest quality and tailored to their individual needs and goals, making the coaching experience more valuable and meaningful to them.
The Impact
Implementing coaching based on A4CE’s research means:
You will have a better understanding of executive coaching, its effectiveness, and its expected ROI.
Your organization will be better equipped to develop effective leaders.
These leaders can make optimal decisions that will help your organization effectively execute its strategy, thereby reaching the organization’s objectives.
HR can enhance talent management processes and decision making.

How does Quantuvos work with A4CE?
Many of Quantuvos’ customers (Boise Cascade, Delta Air Lines, Change Healthcare, Cochlear, GMS, Norfolk Southern, SAGE Publications, Visual Lease) participated in the pilot that allowed A4CE to create a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching they received.
In addition, Quantuvos’ coaches comprise a team of incredible and exceptional practitioners whose expertise supports research initiatives conducted at the Alliance for Coaching Effectiveness and provide ongoing validation of Dr. Jarosz’ framework of coaching effectiveness in a practical setting.